Most students would agree that it is painful to stay up late and going through that sleepless night for studying. Whether it is for homework, project, or exam preparation. It is weird remembering how hard it is to stay awake for studying, but it so easy to stay awake for night-out and having fun. And we can all agree that staying up late was not the most enjoyable. Body start aching, sore, and just borderline uncomfortable.

As much as trying to stay awake, most of us just simply try our best to get things done. To the point that we do not realize this behavior will bring a permanent damage to our body if we keep continue doing so. Well, not if we are doing it right :)
There are few ways to help you have a better & healthier study night:
1. Stay Hydrates.
With enough consuming of water, not only it will help with your focus, but it also maintains your blood circulation. It will help you to prevent fatigue and dizziness, especially during hard night with a lot of reading. You can also help your body to stay awake and alert by consuming healthy amount of caffeine such as Coffee, Tea, and Soda. But try to choose alternatives that are healthier, and lower in sugar content. Hot or Iced Tea is always the safe bet, and it should also be noted that excess consumption of sugar will increase drowsiness.
2. Keep your posture right and straight while sitting
Not only to maintain your bone and body posture, but improper sitting position will interfere with your lungs and oxygen circulation. When oxygen circulation is not optimal, the body will become easily tired. So that it causes drowsiness and sleepiness. So, you cannot say that you are surprised by how easy it is for you to fall asleep in a bad position. This does not mean bad position will help you fall asleep faster. Don’t.
3. Snacking that also nourishing
There is a lot of healthy option of snacks that is not only fulfilling, feed your brain to keep on working, and at the same time helping you to stay awake. • Fruits is always easy to prep, like Banana and avocado as a source of healthy fat. • Eggs, Sort of nuts and grains, like Almond and oatmeal for more fulfilling option• Chewing gum. Many researchers and doctor approve this as chewing gum help you to keep on thinking. Avoid Carbs and excess sugar intake as it will cause drowsiness.
4. Stretching or simply move your body
Losen up your muscle is needed to reduce tension, especially around the neck area. Stretch you arms because you are using it too much and move your legs around since you are not moving it as much. Eyeball’s exercise is a thing. You might not believe it exists, but it is. By roll your eyeballs side-to-side, up & down, and finish it by rolling it around as exercising your eyeballs could refresh your vision.
5. Screen & Light Adjustment
While direct screen brightness can affect your sight and cause “tired-eyes” or “Heavy-eyes” when the screen is too bright, setting the surrounding lighting is the opposite of that. When you keep the screen brightness low, you need to set the surrounding light brighter. As brighter surrounding lighting may make it more difficult to fall asleep