Dancing, voice acting, parody, and other fun things become the main image when we hear someone mention about the TIKTOK app. According to the article posted on INFLUENCER MARKETING HUB, statistic shows, this application that is labelled as the "Boredom Killer" app, has accommodated 1.1 billion active users around the world, by facilitating various groups to express themselves.

Starting from comedy - shenanigans, daily activities, daily aesthetics, to rants something regarding personal issues, TIKTOK is an app filled with a variety of content that can be consumed by the wider community. However, now TIKTOK is considered not only as an entertaining or entertainment app. TIKTOK is also considered as an app that also educates in an unusual and unique way. Where this makes the information conveyed easy to digest and absorb. With the growing number of TIKTOK users, now TIKTOK is no longer seen as a social media application in general. Apart from being an application that facilitates in channeling expressions and talents, TIKTOK is a space and platform for various communities to form. These communities able to share and exchange information and knowledge.
Starting from sports, healthy lifestyles, cooking, hobbies, skills, to education and information about automotive, this content is presented in a way that is fun, entertaining, and able to become a topic of conversation. Recently, TIKTOK has also been filled with content on the theme of education, knowledge, and online school activities. This pandemic situation forces educational institutions to temporarily close, and TIKTOK becomes one of the ways for students to express their feelings and daily patterns that are much different from the situation before the pandemic hit.
As entertaining as it sounds, TIKTOK can also be a platform for sharing useful information. Content such as Life-Hacks, Cooking-Hacks, Cleaning-Hacks, to Fixing-Hacks ... piles up in this application. With the current online school situation, TIKTOK is flooded with Study-Hacks & Online School-Hacks. Light, funny and laughter-inducing content also populates the TIKTOK app. Considered as entertaining and enjoyable to look at.

However, not all content only contains entertainment elements, but as well as provides information and knowledge elements. under the hashtag #Studyhacks, TIKTOK hosts millions of videos using this hashtag, with a total viewership of 2.4 billion. Beating that hashtag, the hashtag #schoolhacks has the upper hand, which has been watched for a total of 924.6 billion times.
Such content gets interesting and varied attention and responses. Many said that they learned more from TIKTOK, compared to what was taught in schools, in terms of simplifying work. Information and hacks found on TIKTOK are very helpful, informative and make daily activities easier.
It is true that most of this information cannot be justified, but some users do share information based on expertise and experience. some information about hacks also comes from users who are experts in that specific fields. Which then raises a lot of new video content about proving whether the hack is real or not. Today TIKTOK is seen as a never-ending medium for transmitting information and knowledge. So next time someone scolds you for spending too much time on TIKTOK, you can say that you learn something from it ;)